Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gaga's 1st Annual Summer Camp

Oh boy! I have been busy planning for the upcoming "Gaga's 1st Annual Summer Camp" that I will be having the last week of June.  That is when my son and his wife will be going to Hawaii for 6 days to celebrate her brother's wedding and have a few days of "honeymoon" time since they missed out on having one when they got married.  So Avery will spend the week with Gaga and Poppy!!  I am SOOOO excited!!! We will have a fun time doing summer camp activities.

For example, Uncle Nik said the first item on the agenda is the zoo.  Of COURSE!! And we will also have to go swimming and since Uncle Greg just bought a pool to put up at Uncle Nik's ~ we will go there!  I have also found more fun websites to explore during computer time, and I have even planned learning activities focused on gardening and butterflies!  I think I am having more fun than Avery will.

There is a great website called No Time for Flash Cards. (  I have found so many ideas for crafts and books and whatever you need. There are spelling games and everything is broken down by age. Other fun and interactive websites that Avery and I visit from time to time is Sesame Street ( and Dr. Seuss ( Both sites have catchy little tunes, activities, and games for kids. I found new songs to learn that I am sure she will like.

And of course there are hundreds of different ways to engage kids on YouTube but beware - some of them are parody's of the real thing and after you click on one that you think is safe - you learn that it really is not.  Some can be pretty bad too so screen them before you show them to your little ones.

Avery will have fun during our Summer Camp week. I know I will.  I just hope my screened room is up before then so we can find some time to take a little siesta on Cultural Day (Dora the Explorer and activities brought to us by the letter "M" - for Mexico, milk, and MACARONI!)

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